Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blade CX2 Crashed and Burned

"Well I've been getting quite brave lately with my Blade CX2 where I fly it round the rumpus room and then fang it out the doors to contend with the elements of nature and I must admit it wasn't the wind or any flying birds that caused the crash, it was purely pilot error.

Thinking I was the guy out of the Airwolf TV series I found myself getting my thumbs mixed up and by mistake I gave it extra throttle instead banking forward and hence my CX2 collected a tree (it was very high up) and down she came in a blaze of glory.

Well I'm exaggerating but the tail has completely broken in half and even though you could fly it it just looks weird. Bit like taking you mini moke to a car rally ….so off to the Toys R Us guy to see what he can do for me for a new tail piece or do I do a Dale and order the u-bute carbon fibre assembly - who knows."

- Oddbod (grounded and on suspension pending repairs)

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